Civil society

The Inclusion, Mobility and Multilingual Education Conference

The conference will provide a space for practitioners, NGO staff, researchers and government representatives to explore and exchange on issues of language, inclusion, and mobility in education and development. The event will bringing the 13th Language and Development Conference (LDC) and the 6th Multilingual Education ...

Alternative Land Management in Thailand: A Case Study of the Southern Peasants Federation of Thailand

Alternative Land Management in Thailand: A Case Study of the Southern Peasants Federation of Thailand presents the struggle for land of the Southern Peasants’ Federation of Thailand (SPFT) in Surat Thani province. This study is a counterpoint to the country’s centralized land management system that ...

Supatsak Pobsuk

Public Speech on Gender, Land and the Right to Food in Southeast

A number of forces – including transnational land acquisitions, domestic investors, migrants, conservation efforts, and government policies – have come together in recent years to put commercial pressure on land across the world and encourage its commodification. This has accelerated processes of agrarian transition, affecting ...

An outlook on Asia’s agricultural and rural transformation: Prospects and options for making it an inclusive and sustainable one

If the success of Asian countries in transforming their rural economy is measured by the extent to which poverty has declined over the past 20 years, there is no question that their transformation can be regarded as one of the major achievements in human history. ...

The Press conference ‘ASEAN We Want’: Local testimony On Ecological Disastrous Development

The statement “The ASEAN We Want” signed by local community groups, CSOs and academic in the region and internationally will be presented and distributed.The speakers are including the chairman of the Kelantan Orang Asli, the indigenous network in Malaysia, the lead Thai local leaders who ...

Call for Proposals: Asia-Pacific Health-Related Climate Change Story Grants

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is offering grants to journalists in the Asia-Pacific region to support data-driven, investigative reporting on the health impacts of climate and environmental change. The deadline is June 30, 2019 at 5pm IST. Contact with any questions. The more we learn about ...

WATS Forum 2019 (Well-being, Architecture, Technology & Sustainability Forum 2019)

RISC invites you to our international forum “WATS Forum 2019”, a discussion between exclusive international thinkers and specialists who come and share knowledge about Well-being. The main topics of WATS are Well-being, Architecture, Technology, and Sustainability.On Monday June 3, 2019 at 13.00-17.00 at Bangkok Convention ...


Do you have an idea to catalyze green growth in your community?Calling on youth between the ages of 17 and 35! If you have a great idea to generate green growth in your community, the Global Green Growth Institute, Student Energy and Youth Climate Lab ...

Workshop “Migration and Women’s land tenure rights and security in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region”

On Thursday January 31st 2019, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and the Regional Centre for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development, Chiang Mai University (RCSD) will beholding a public workshop in Bangkok under the title Migration and Women’s Land Tenure Rights and Security ...

MOOC on Open Data Management in Agriculture, Nutrition and Land

The Land Portal and GODAN Action partners have announced a new call for applications for the Open Data Management Online Course.The content of the course has now expanded to include land, in addition to agriculture and nutrition. This edition of the course has been revised ...

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