Social development
APSA 2022: Reimagining Development Futures in the Anthropocene and Climate Crisis

Date: Oct. 28-29, 2022, 09:00 – 17:00 ICTVenue: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, ThailandType: Hybrid A two-day academic and civic dialogue event brings together multiple disciplinary academics and researchers, international and national civil society and non-governmental organizations, practitioners and local community groups to discuss multidimensional development amid global ...
Talk | Open Data for Democracy

“Do we really have the right to know state information?”“What will happen? If the government discloses information in a transparent and verifiable manner “Join us for answers at the Talk of the Year event “Open the state information to the public. For Democracy (Open Data ...
Women in Limitless "Space" Symposium

Embassy of Japan invites the first Asian female Astronaut Dr.Chiaki Mukai to Thailand to speak to the young generation of women with the view to encourage them to pursue education, career and leadership in traditionally male dominated areas such as Science and Technology. Following the ...
Women in Tech: Build Sustainable Businesses, Cities and Societies through Technology

The event will be opened by several stakeholders, including ASEAN Secretariat and Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) Thailand. Then the event will be continued with Talk show about Women Use the Technology to Build Sustainable Businesses, Cities, and/or Societies. Then the event will be closed ...
Public Speech on Gender, Land and the Right to Food in Southeast

A number of forces – including transnational land acquisitions, domestic investors, migrants, conservation efforts, and government policies – have come together in recent years to put commercial pressure on land across the world and encourage its commodification. This has accelerated processes of agrarian transition, affecting ...
An outlook on Asia’s agricultural and rural transformation: Prospects and options for making it an inclusive and sustainable one

If the success of Asian countries in transforming their rural economy is measured by the extent to which poverty has declined over the past 20 years, there is no question that their transformation can be regarded as one of the major achievements in human history. ...
Call for proposals: Kindernothilfe Thailand's self-help approach implementer

Kindernothilfe is looking for the like-minded registered non-government organizations to implement the Kindernothilfe’s Self-help approach in their project areas. The preferred project areas should be in the Northern region and on the Thailand-Myanmar border where the migrants and their children prevalently traverse and reside. The ...
Open Data Goldbook for Data Managers and Data Holders

The publication of the G8 Open Data Charter, among other global initiatives, has further underlined the value of opening government data. The re-use of Public Sector Information has been on Europe’s agenda for over a decade now. Beyond adopting legislation, accessibility to data must continue ...
SURVEY: Women in Open Data

How do women engage in open data movements cross the Mekong countries? ODT want to understand how women are engaging in open data movements across Thailand. We are particularly interested in understanding why and how women participate and what some of the barriers to their ...
Workshop “Migration and Women’s land tenure rights and security in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region”

On Thursday January 31st 2019, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and the Regional Centre for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development, Chiang Mai University (RCSD) will beholding a public workshop in Bangkok under the title Migration and Women’s Land Tenure Rights and Security ...