Rice exports up but may lose momentum
Thai rice exports in the first two months of 2018 rose 10% year-on-year by volume to 1.91 million tonnes and 16.1% in baht value to 30.32 billion baht but orders are falling due to the strong baht.Keep reading ...
Bangkok Post Reporter
Six decades of water cooperation puts Mekong basin on track to achieve SDGs
In September 1957, representatives from the four countries in the lower Mekong basin met in Bangkok to take the first steps towards cooperative development and management of their shared water resources. The agreement they signed established the Mekong Committee, the predecessor of the Mekong River ...
Pham Tuan Phan
Nong Khai folk turn drought to opportunity with Mekong beach
With a sand beach revealed as the Mekong River subsided for the summer season, the Nong Khai community saw opportunity to create a tourist attraction. Residents set up 55 food stalls on the riverbank near a 500-metre-long waterfront sand dune in Ban Phan Prao village ...
The Nation Reporter
Give renewable energy a chance
The Minister of Energy announced this week the government will stop purchasing electricity from renewable power projects for the next five years. The reasoning is that such projects have caused retail electricity tariffs to jump by 20-25 satangs per unit, and that the electricity system ...
Sopitsuda Tongsopit
Thailand’s Special Economic Zones Fail to Deliver
Since 2015, Thailand’s military government has been in the process of rigorously reforming the country’s investment policies. One of its main reforms has been to establish Special Economic Zones (SEZs) along the country’s borders. But despite government promises, these zones will ultimately fail to bring ...
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
PM10 pollution still rising despite woodland-fire ban
A governor’s directive to bar entry to reserve forest lands and parks to reduce hazardous pollution in the North has so far failed to reverse the amount of PM10 particulates in Mae Hong Song.Keep reading ...
The Nation Reporter
Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises paid a Courtesy Call on the Minister of Foreign Affairs
On 26 March 2018, the United Nations Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises (WG on BHR) paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, during their ...
The 1st Meeting of the Thailand-Myanmar Joint Working Group On the Preparation of the Return of Myanmar Displaced Persons
On 28 March 2018, H.E. Mrs. Busaya Mathelin, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, and H.E. U Myint Thu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar, co-chaired the 1st Meeting of the Thailand-Myanmar Joint Working Group on the ...
Asia's energy challenge
Asia’s rapid development over the past four decades has transformed the region’s stature in the world economy, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and creating new opportunities for future prosperity. Keep reading ...
Tanyatorn Tongwaranan
Thailand Considers Opening Service Businesses to More Foreign Investment
Thailand is considering opening some businesses in the service industry to more foreign investment, the Bangkok Post reported on Monday (March 26). A panel overseeing the review will meet on Thursday to decide the types of service businesses that will be opened up to foreign ...