
SEC orders IFEC boss removal

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has ordered the dismissal of Inter Far East Energy’s (IFEC’s) chief executive on grounds of insider trading and refusal to acknowledge a civil sanction.Earlier, the market regulator ordered former chief executive Suphanan Rittiphairoj and former director Thanawat Chansuwan to ...

New bill aims to boost R&D and incentivise researchers

The cabinet has approved a draft bill that promotes the use of R&D and lets researchers own the right to transfer their research to private companies. Nathporn Chatusripitak, an adviser to the Prime Minister’s, said on Tuesday (Sep 4) that once the bill comes into ...

Chatrudee Theparat

Labor and migrant rights groups press for legislation on labor

Civil organizations concerned with basic human rights for migrants have called on the government to move forward with its deliberations on the Forced Labor Protection and Eradication Act draft, to ensure greater care for laborers in the future. Keep reading ...

Suwit Rattiwan

Techsauce: Startups move to deeper waters

Thailand’s startup industry is moving forward to deep technology, where more advanced technologies and innovations are applied, says media content provider Techsauce. These innovative technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, quantum computing, nuclear or renewable energy technology, space technology and ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

Limiting universal healthcare to those who earn less than Bt100,000 unfair, says activist

A PROMINENT health activist yesterday attacked the government over reports that it plans to provide free medical service under the universal healthcare scheme to only those earning less than Bt100,000 a year.This idea made the headlines earlier this week, causing widespread concern. The scheme currently ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Growing interest from China in Thailand’s EEC

There has been a steady stream of Chinese delegations coming to Thailand to look at business opportunities, particularly in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).Most recently a group of high-ranking Chinese officials and executives met with Thai counterparts at the 6th meeting of the Joint Committee ...

Suwatchai Songwanich

Forced labour ‘widespread’

Workers in Thailand remain vulnerable to becoming victims of forced labour, labour rights activists said yesterday, as they urged authorities to pass the Prevention and Eradication of Forced Labour Bill to provide more inclusive protection for their workforce.While migrant workers in fisheries and agricultural sectors ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

UN climate talks ‘flawed’, could sabotage efforts

An undemocratic and unfair negotiation mechanism in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will eventually lead to the failure of the landmark Paris Agreement, civic groups said yesterday.As the UNFCCC opens a meeting on climate change in Bangkok today to finalise the ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Making transparent concessions

September marks a series of seismic auctions that will determine whether Thailand’s business realm will continue to be dominated by the same old oligarchs or if newcomers with big bucks could shake up the monopolistic arena. The terms of reference (ToR) for the 200-billion-baht high-speed ...

Climate push comes to Bangkok

Though Thailand has made impressive progress on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it still faces many challenges and the large implementation gap on the global scale remains to be solved.  These facts have surfaced as Bangkok prepares to host the United Nations Framework Convention on ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

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