Bangkok Post

Ministry upbeat on baht rebound

The Finance Ministry expects the baht’s value to rebound in the second half this year, in line with the anticipated narrowing of the current account deficit, says a ministry source who requested anonymity.According to Reuters, Bank of Thailand officials said yesterday the bank will let ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Inflation hits sentiment in Thai industry

The Thailand Industry Sentiment Index (TISI) fell to a seven-month low of 84.3 points in May amid economic uncertainties ranging from rising inflation to political conflicts overseas, says the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).The inflation rate hike and prolonged global oil price surge, driven by ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

NHSO to cut back on Covid test support starting July 1

The National Health Security Office (NHSO) will not cover the public costs of coronavirus tests performed by medical service centres uninsured by universal health coverage (UHC), starting July 1 when Covid-19 is declared endemic.This was agreed upon during a meeting of the NHSO board of ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Prayut urges steady interest rates

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha called on the central bank to maintain its policy interest rate on Tuesday to curb a capital flight and support the domestic economy.Gen Prayut also vented his growing concern over a surge in the inflation rate after headline inflation, gauged by ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Cabinet approves Civil Partnership Bill

The cabinet has approved the Civil Partnership Bill, which allows same-sex couples to register their partnership, and legal amendments after being vetted by the Council of State.Deputy government spokeswoman Rachada Dhnadirek said on Tuesday that the cabinet earlier endorsed the draft bill, which was sponsored ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Shippers keep faith in 5-8% growth view

A group of Thai exporters remains bullish on the country’s prospects this year, despite slower growth in April.Chaichan Chareonsuk, chairman of the Thai National Shippers’ Council (TNSC), said the council believes 5-8% growth for the country’s export sector is still achievable, with key drivers including ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

FTI urges maintaining diesel price subsidy

Thailand’s inflation rate is expected to stand at 4-5% throughout this year, prompting the need for the government to maintain its diesel price subsidy programme, says the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).The estimate is based on the latest survey of 200 executives across 45 industries ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Lancang-Mekong 'soft connectivity'

China has collectively consulted, contributed to and shared in the development of the Lancang-Mekong region with the five Mekong countries — Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam — over the past five years, helping to promote economic sustainability and connectivity.The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) framework is ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Govt plans B55bn savings bond issue in June

Thailand will sell 55 billion baht of government savings bonds next month to help finance a budget deficit, a Finance Ministry official said on Monday.The 5-year and 10-year bonds will be offered to the public with yearly average coupon of 2.9% and 3.6% respectively, said ...

Dropouts up as subsidy funding lags

The government’s free education programme needs to be revised to improve access to and the quality of basic education following an increase in dropouts among poor students, a seminar was told.Chaiyuth Punyasavatsut, lecturer at Thammasat University’s faculty of economics, told a forum held by the ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

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