
New Year road safety plans [Video]

As many people are heading home for the New Year holiday period, the Royal Thai Police has prepared several measures to facilitate travelers and ensure their safety. Let’s find out more from this special report.Keep watching ...

Agriculture Min outlines measures to aid farmers [Video]

Among the seven Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives’ initiatives set for 2020 are measures to do with water management to avoid drought and caring for farmers and fishermen.Keep watching ...

Uttama, BAAC chief discuss promotion of grass-roots economy

Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana held a meeting with the chairman of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) on driving the Thai grass-roots economy at Ban San Thang Luang community, Mae Chan district, in Chiang Rai province.The minister also visited farmers who were the ...

The Nation Reporter

Unemployment fears on the rise

Labour rights advocates have questioned the government’s claim of more businesses opening shop as opposed to closing down, insisting that new companies may not be hiring as many workers as expected.Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha earlier countered concerns about a stagnant economy saying that more than ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

Political, Economic Challenges to Test Thai Government in 2020

Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is confident that a civilian, pro-military government he formed in the middle of this year after five years of junta rule can complete its four-year term.But the former army chief and coup leader must deal with various veteran politicians from ...

Chananthorn Kamjan

Asian Governments Banking On Social Forestry To Sustain Reforestation Efforts

A village group in Indonensia’s Kalimantan Island plants a small community fuelwood plantation. A Vietnamese landowner plants trees along her field as a living fence and as source of fuelwood. Filipino farmers plant trees that they will sell later to  a local paer mill, for ...

Dr. Michael A. Bengwayan

Prayut troubled by fake news

Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered the military to be more proactive in tackling fake news online.“Gen Prayut has ordered the Defence Ministry’s directorates and the armed forces to increase monitoring and examination of fake news and step up its response to ...

Wassana Nanuam

UNHCR welcomes Thai Cabinet approval of national screening mechanism

In a development welcomed by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the Thai Cabinet approved on 24 December 2019 the establishment of a screening mechanism to distinguish people who need international protection from economic migrants. This follows the Cabinet’s January 2017 approval of a proposal to ...

Making green products from harvest waste in Thailand

In Jaruwan Khammuang’s home village, leftover straw from the harvest was often burned. The young entrepreneur saw an opportunity to create green products from the waste — such as tableware.Project goal: The small business Fang Thai is exploring green alternatives to the treatment of agricultural ...

Industry Ministry poised to launch i-industry systems

Industry Minister Suriya Juangroongruangkit said that he has ordered fragmented data records from various department stores to be centralised in the server of the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Industry.This is according to the Big Data policy of the government. Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

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