
Anti-Government Protests Mount in Thailand as Young Thais Demand Change

Anti-government “flash mobs” have spread across Thailand as tech savvy youth demand democratic reforms as the country staggers forward in the initial stages of COVID-19 recovery. The number of rallies has increased in the kingdom, with more than 40 anti-government protests organized on short notice since ...

RPA adoption projected to gain traction

The adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) technology in Thailand is projected to keep rising as a slew of businesses are gearing up for business process re-engineering with automation to improve their performance, says ABeam Consulting Thailand, the local operating unit of the Japan-based consulting ...

Komsan Tortermvasana

China seeks stronger Asean ties

Asean and China will celebrate the 30th anniversary of bilateral relations next year and at issue is whether Asean will be willing to upgrade the country’s status to “comprehensive strategic partner”. Beijing is hopeful that there will be a consensus among the 10-member countries to ...

Public debt not scary yet, PDMO says

Thailand’s increased public debt, attributed to borrowing to sustain economic conditions during the pandemic, remains below the average rate seen in emerging markets, says the Public Debt Management Office.PDMO director-general Patricia Mongkhonvanit said the IMF reported that global public debt has risen by 20% on ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Cleaning up the Energy Ministry

Since the resignation of Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong, the vacant post has been highly sought after by ambitious power brokers not for its budget, one of the smallest in government, but for its control of lucrative energy contracts plagued by graft and corruption.A running joke ...

Yuthana Praiwan

Hourly wages back on table amid concerns

Authorities have pushed the adoption of hourly wages while labour activists remain wary that employees in some industries would be further exploited.As unemployment soars in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak — 9 million Thais are forecast to lose jobs as a result of the ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

Thailand Freight and Logistics Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2019 - 2024)

Market Overview Thailand’s logistics performance significantly improved in 2018, owing to the massive investment in transport infrastructure and relevant legal reforms. According to the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index 2018, Thailand rose to the 32nd place in 2018 from 45th in 2016.Keep reading ...

T-Together campaign records 4.56 million travelers [Video]

Moving on, the Travel Together (T-Together) campaign is selling like hotcakes as more than 4.5 million people have already signed up for the travel subsidy.Keep watching ...

Poll: People want new Cabinet to speed up solutions to economic problems [Video]

 According to the recent Suan Dusit Poll, people want the new Cabinet to focus on solving economic problems.Keep watching ...

Asean economic officials to discuss ways of boosting regional economy

Auramon Supthaweethum, director general of the Department of Trade Negotiations, said at the “38th High Level Task Force on Asean Economic Integration” teleconference, the permanent secretaries will evaluate the progress Asean Economic Community (AEC) has made since it was established in 2015.They will also discuss ...

The Nation Reporter

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