
Public health

WHO recognizes anti-HIV drugs produced in Thailand

The big news last year in the pharmaceutical industry is a self-produced anti-HIV drug in Thailand that the World Health Organization finally certified this year, making the price 18 times lower.Keep watching ...

Google launches Thai AI project to screen for diabetic eye disease

Google said on Thursday (Dec,13) it had launched an artificial intelligence program in Thailand to screen for a diabetic eye disease which causes permanent blindness.The eye screening program in Thailand follows a similar Google program in India and highlights a push by big tech companies ...

Opposition to Foreigners Threatens to Stall Medical Marijuana Legislation in Thailand

Thailand is set to become the first Asian country to legalese medical marijuana, but a battle is brewing between local and foreign firms over control of a potentially lucrative market.With Parliament set to approve the legislation as early as next month, Thai businesses and activists ...

Government to 'streamline' health funds

The government is planning to revamp its medical welfare management system to ensure all citizens can benefit from existing healthcare funds, said the chairman of a sub-committee on public healthcare reform.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Lao medics partner with Thai university to battle bile duct cancer

A new project is underway at the Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute to improve the treatment of bile duct cancer in Laos and reduce the number of fatalities. The project, titled “Fighting cholangiocarcinoma in the Lao PDR”, aims to provide better treatment and care of ...

NLA to debate on marijuana bill on Friday

The National Legislative Assembly is due to debate Friday (Nov, 23) on the amendments to the Narcotics Act to pave the way for the use of marijuana extracts for medical purpose, said Somchai Sawaengkarn, secretary of the parliamentary affairs extraordinary committee.Keep reading ...

Biothai wades into patents row

An advocacy group is calling on the Department of Intellectual Property to better regulate the patenting of cannabis extracts in traditional Thai medicines. Biodiversity Sustainable Agriculture Food Sovereignty Action Thailand’s (Biothai) move followed a call by a group of activists last week, who urged the ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Drug bill to help speed up registration of new medicines

The new drug bill will allow specialists and their organisations, foreign or Thai, to review drug registration applications.“This aims at speeding up the registration process so people can have quicker access to useful medicines,” Government Spokesman Puttipong Punnakanta said yesterday (Nov, 13). He was speaking ...

Jakrawan Salaytoo

Reject cannabis extract patents or be sued, researchers warn

Medical researchers appear poised to sue the Intellectual Property Department after it registered patents for cannabis extract products. At least two patents have been granted for cannabinoid products, despite the Intellectual Property Department insisting it is impossible for anyone to own a cannabis extract patent.Keep ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Marijuana bill shortened to allow quicker legislation

The cabinet will next Tuesday deliberate a shortened bill on legalising marijuana for medical use.  The new version of the bill was proposed yesterday, and supporters reckon it will become law as early as next month.  “This bill will only have 17 Articles,” Deputy Prime ...

Khanittha Theppachorn

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