Social development

Education and training

Equity-based budgeting recommended for solving educational inequities

The Equitable Education Fund (EEF) has recommended a new budget-allocation approach for the country’s education sector, after extensive research confirms inequalities “rage on” despite massive expenditures.Keep reading ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Southern education center helping local teachers to become 'digital savvy'

Thailand’s coordination and administrative center for southern education is providing digital training to more than 3,000 educators in southern cities. On Saturday (Sep 22) , the center organized a training course for the second batch of 120 educators. The course was mainly focused on “Google ...

Thammarat Thadaphrom

Rising investor interest in private education sector in Asia-Pacific

The private education market in Asia-Pacific is a rising investment segment, driven by the region’s demand for high-quality international schools with a focus on English curriculums, says a report by property consultancy JLL.Keep reading ...

Digital tools for education reform

The Independent Committee for Education Reform (ICER) has decided to add “digital tools” to its blueprint on overhauling Thailand’s education sector.Dr Jiruth Sriratanaban, who chairs ICER’s ad-hoc subcommittee on planning education reform, said yesterday that the digital tools were added to the plan after people ...

The Nation Reporter

Making education higher: The Webster way

With the spotlight on the modernisation of the nation’s economy and the drive to achieve Thailand 4.0, doubts over the country’s ability to achieve such lofty goals have called into question the capacity of the current educational system to support the development of its ambitions. ...

Science and Education Ministries discuss role of new Higher Education Ministry

Thailand’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education have held a discussion on the responsibilities of the new Ministry of Higher Education to coordinate the policies of university networks. Science and Technology Minister, Dr. Suvit Maesincee, and Education Minister, Dr. Udom Chchinaorn, took ...

Benjamin Rujopakarn

30 cents: Keeping poor Thai children in school for Bt10

Thirty cents. There’s not much you can buy for $0.30 these days, but in Thailand the meagre amount multiplied by many willing people is allowing 230 children from desperately poor households to attend school.Initiated last year in the northern Thailand city of Chiang Mai, the ...

John Le Fevre

Schooling for poor kids thanks to Bt10 from Chiang Mai residents

The Equitable Education Fund (EEF) is now exploring ideas on how best to engage all sectors in extending educational help to underprivileged children.At its public forum in Chiang Mai yesterday (August 15), local leader Phairat Maichompoo presented the Bt10 Chiang Mai Fund as a model. ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Massive job loss seen if Thailand doesn’t upgrade education – EEC advisor

Thailand will gain about 30,000 short-term jobs as the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor project ramps up, but will lose hundreds of thousands of jobs long-term unless the country improves its education system, an EEC board meeting was told.Keep reading ...

Warapun Jaikusol

Thailand Research Expo showcasing 636 successful studies

The Thailand Research Expo 2018 is being held at Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld until Monday (August 13), showcasing more than 600 useful studies. The organizer of this year’s Research Expo, the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), has been able to ...

Thammarat Thadaphrom

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