
Unemployment hits 9-month high

The unemployment rate in Thailand has reached a nine-month high of about 2% of registered workers, as the country struggles to deal with slow economic growth and more factory shutdowns, according to the Employers’ Confederation of Thai Trade and Industry (EconThai).The group’s calculation is based ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Need for digital skills transforms job market, as job seekers prioritise quality

As the economy gradually recovers in the wake of the pandemic, job seekers’ pursuit of employment goes beyond just a steady income.Duangporn Phrom-on, managing director of Jobs DB (Thailand) Recruitment Company, shared insights from the Global Talent Survey, which specifically explored the Southeast Asian job ...

The Nation Reporter

Thailand to increase minimum wage next year

Thailand is set to increase the minimum wage in next month as planned, and the government is also considering another wage hike in March 2024, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin affirmed on December 26.A wage committee, comprised of government, employers and employee representatives, had previously agreed ...

Committee retains wage adjustment of 2.37%

The tripartite committee studying the minimum wage has adhered to its previous resolution to increase the minimum wage by province within the range of 330 to 370 baht, a hike of 2-16 baht per day or an average of 2.37%, from January 1 onwards.The committee, ...

The Nation Reporter

Shortage of labour in the service and construction sectors: NESDC

The National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) is warning of a significant shortage of labour in the service and construction sectors, with demand for workers as high as 13 million people.Labour shortages have been a major problem this year, especially in the service sector, ...

The Nation Reporter

Thailand's status unchanged in US trafficking report

Thailand remains in Tier 2 in the latest Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report issued by the United States, reflecting modest progress in its enforcement efforts but not enough to lift the country to Tier 1 as some officials had hoped. “The Government of Thailand does not ...

Jobless numbers decline, says NSO

Thailand’s labour market improved in the first quarter, with the number of unemployed people dropping to 420,000, according to the National Statistical Office (NSO).NSO director-general Piyanuch Wuttisorn said the NSO compiles labour force statistics every three months to examine employment levels among the population.In the ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Better deal for workers

As Thailand marks Labour Day today, parties are busy campaigning for the upcoming election on May 14. Many parties are proposing policies to support workers, with a key highlight being an increase in daily minimum wages. However, questions have been raised about this proposal, as ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Thailand’s unemployment rate drops below 1% for first time in 4 years

Thailand’s unemployment rate at the end of February dropped below 1% for the first time in four years, which is a sign that the economy is improving, the government said.Trisulee Trisaranakul, a deputy government spokesperson, on Sunday cited the National Statistical Office (NSO)’s report showing ...

The Nation Reporter

Amendment to labour law offers protection to employees working from home

Labour Protection Act BE 2566 (2023), which facilitates working from home, will come into effect on April 18 this year, deputy government spokesperson Traisuree Taisaranakul said on Thursday.She said the amendment was necessary as the old Labour Protection Act BE 2541 (1998) did not take ...

The Nation Reporter

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