
Thai e-Commerce grew to Bt3.2- tr last year

Thai e-Commerce grew the most in Asean last year, due to changes in consumer behaviour, and its value is expected to hit Bt3.2 trillion, the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) said in a press release on Saturday.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

ETDA plans digital workforce

The Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) aims to attract 1 million teenagers to join the e-commerce workforce and 200,000 micro-SMEs to go online this year to boost the online economy. By 2023, ETDA wants to have 8 million workers and 1.6 million micro small and ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

Brighter prospects for e-commerce

Thanks to the growing popularity of online shopping in Thailand, e-commerce is expected to have the brightest growth prospects this year, while book rental, handicraft and conventional furniture are forecast to face the bleakest outlook. Thanavath Phonvichai, vice-president for research at the University of the ...

Phusadee Arunmas

Getting a piece of the e-commerce pie

A recent report revealed that the government of Thailand has passed a bill that it hopes will ensure more effective tax collection, especially from e-commerce businesses. The new law will see financial institutions required to report transactions to the Revenue Department of customer accounts which ...

E-commerce players up in arms over tax

The government’s tax collection policy is threatening the growth of e-payments and discouraging a cashless society, say e-payment and e-commerce proponents. The Bank of Thailand reported that the value of e-payments in June 2018 was 38.94 trillion baht, up from 33.56 trillion a year earlier. ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

New tax law to see online, bank transfers to be monitored

The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has passed a bill meant to ensure more effective tax collection, especially from e-commerce businesses. Under the bill proposed to the NLA meeting yesterday (Dec 4), financial institutions will be required to report transactions of customer accounts which receive either ...

Thailand has huge mobile potential

Mobile is the future, and this is especially the case in ASEAN member states. As a matter of fact, e-commerce logistics management platform, Parcel Perform, recently noted that emerging markets like Myanmar and Thailand are seeing rapid growth in mobile marketing. A case in example ...

Sheith Khidhir

DHL brings e-commerce COD to Malaysia, Thailand, & Vietnam

E-commerce exporters in China and Australia, consumers in Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, and DHL eCommerce are all expecting benefits from the introduction of a Cross Border Cash-on-Delivery (COD) system by Deutsche Post DHL Group.Announced Monday September 17, the DHL e-Commerce Cash on Delivery (COD) service ...

Acing the logistics of e-commerce

Increasing e-commerce transactions driven by rapidly changing consumer behaviour combined with the entry of giant e-commerce platforms through local partnerships has intensified competition among logistics and parcel delivery services, challenging existing players in the domestic market. Keep reading ...

Komsan Tortermvasana

Thai e-retailers brace for Jack Ma's 'great durian road'

At a seminar this month to forecast Thailand’s two-way trade with China, the commerce minister, Sonthirat Sonthijirawong, hailed e-commerce as the business model that could propel the country to new heights.Keep reading ...

Marwaan Macan-Markar

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