Bangkok Post

B1bn target for farmer support

The Industry Ministry plans to conclude the government’s agriculture development plan in October, expecting to spend 1 billion baht to launch support measures for Thai farmers.Pasu Loharjun, the industry permanent secretary, said the ministry is in talks with the Industrial Promotion Department and the Bank ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Harm reduction with safer alternatives new approach to public health International

While policymakers in Thailand are concerned about the dangers of e-cigarettes and have vowed to retain the ban on smoking devices, other countries in Asia are joining forces in their fight against tobacco.Keep reading ...

Jintana Panyaarvudh

Is it all the Bank of Thailand's fault?

Currently, the two most pressing economic issues in Thailand are the appreciation of the baht and the high level of household debt.While most people understand the negative effects of the rising baht on exports and tourism, few can visualise the adverse consequences of high household ...

Ending slavery with the right strategy

Thailand is often associated with culinary delights, sandy beaches, and beautiful temples, but it also has its share of human rights-related labour problems. Today, there continue to be a significant number of forced-labour victims in the country. According to the US State Department’s 2019 Trafficking ...

P-Move vows to camp near Govt House

Members of a land rights advocacy group have vowed to camp near Government House until Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha steps in to resolve over 160 land disputes between villagers and the state.The People’s Movement for a Just Society, or P-Move, on Monday petitioned the prime ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Nectec launches website with AI database

The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) has launched a website that allows programme developers, startups and businesses to access an artificial intelligence (AI) research database and services to develop products linked with the technology.Keep reading ...

Suchit Leesa-Nguansuk

Thailand's healthcare ranked sixth best in the world

Thailand is gaining worldwide recognition for the quality of its healthcare services, after the US magazine CEOWORLD placed Thailand sixth in its’ 2019 list of countries with the best healthcare systems, the Public Health Ministry said.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Law change 'condones' abuse

Women’s rights activists on Monday lambasted the proposed amendment to the 2007 law promoting the development and protection of families, saying the changes actually condone, rather than curb, domestic violence.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

VAT gradually falling short of 2019 target

The Revenue Department estimates that value-added tax (VAT) collection will fall short of the target for this fiscal year because of waning domestic consumption and the stronger baht, and the shortfall could extend to next year if the situation remains unchanged.Keep reading ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Government downplays fears on economy

The government has moved to ally fears about the state of the economy, insisting the country is not in recession.Government spokeswoman Narumon Pinyosinwat said some critics are relaying inaccurate descriptions of the state of the economy.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

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