
Thailand’s election could get delayed, again

Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha seems to have dropped another hint that the country’s long-awaited election will be delayed yet again. Despite previously promising that one will be held in February 2019, Prayut recently said that a further delay is possible.Keep reading ...

Dept plans marine parks e-ticketing to curb visitors

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) says it is to introduce an e-ticketing system at marine locations to regulate visitors and prevent corruption. Keep reading ...

Apinya Wipatayotin

Japanese investors keen to join with Chinese on EEC projects, minister says

Japan plans to team up with China to invest in Thailand’s infrastructure projects, targeting the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), said Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith.The move came after the recent signing of a memorandum of understanding on private-sector economic cooperation in third-world countries between China and ...

The Nation Reporter

China’s Belt and Road Initiative will boost tourism, transport and trade with Thailand

The Thai tourism industry will be a major beneficiary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as the Royal Thai Government moves rapidly to take advantage of the increased investment and trade opportunities it will create, not just within Thailand but across the ASEAN and ...

Bangkok conference seeks to build inter-continental cooperation in suppressing wildlife trade and trafficking

Cooperation among three major continents where illicit wildlife trades and trafficking are still rampant is being forged in an attempt to suppress the activities that are now seen crossing from countries in Africa to Asia.Some leading anti-wildlife trafficking experts and law enforcers from 30 countries ...

The Nation Reporter

BAAC extend Tree Bank Guarantee Fund 80% along with pushing the 4 major groups of tree for loan

The Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) reported progress of Tree Bank Project that 80% of the collateral price is equal to the land from the original 50% of the assessed credit, as an alternative choice for farmers can solve their debt problems. Along ...

Land bought under false deeds returned

The Land Department will be asked to revoke land-title deeds for more than 2,700 rai (432 hectares) in Loei’s Phu Rua district after fake or faulty documents had been used to lay ownership claims on the land more than three decades ago.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

Research knowledge to be passed on to farmers via innovation centers

The Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) to enter a joint effort to promote research and development in the farming sector. BAAC President Apirom Sukprasert signed the MOU with the TRF ...

Nuppol Suvansombut

Thailand targets to connect Belt and Road Initiative and EEC to boost investment opportunities in ASEAN

Thailand aims to connect China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to accelerate more investment and trade opportunities in Asia, especially ASEAN and ACMECS, Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak told almost 1,000 participants from both China and Thailand at the “Thailand-China Business Forum 2018: Comprehensive ...

Cyber threats strain firms with Thailand a key target

Companies in Thailand are being swamped by more than 5,000 alerts every day relating to cyber-security threats, with the country trailing only Vietnam as the Southeast Asian nation most in the sights of cyber criminals, a survey shows.Keep reading ...

Jirapan Boonnoon

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