
China’s Mekong ambitions cause concern for Thai locals (Video)

The Mekong River is possibly the most important waterway in Southeast Asia. It feeds 60 million people in six countries and there have been long-standing concerns that China is trying to control it. China recently halted plans in March to blast rapids along the river ...

Yuki Tsang

Access to Free Education and Healthcare Far From Equal, Expert Says

Despite being officially “free of charge,” education and universal healthcare in Thailand are still out of reach for many, an economist argued in a new book released earlier this week.Teachers and doctors are still mostly concentrated in Bangkok and major cities, leaving students and patients ...

Pravit Rojanaphruk

Industry Ministry upbeat on EEC investment

The Industry Ministry forecasts investment flows in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) to begin from 2020, largely into the 12 targeted industries after the government begins to develop five megaprojects in the corridor.There is some progress on the Map Ta Phut seaport, high-speed railway linking ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Thailand's internet economy 'healthy' but lags in digital adoption

Thailand’s internet economy is growing at “a healthy clip”, from US$6 billion in 2015 to US$16 billion in 2019, but the country still lags behind regional peers in digital adoption and digitalisation, a report by Maybank Kim Eng said on Thursday.The report, titled ‘Disruption Watch ...

Thailand Seeks US Talks After Trade Privileges Loss

Thailand plans to seek talks with the United States on a decision to end preferential trade privileges on a range of Thai exports including seafood, officials said Monday.Keerati Rushchano, acting director-general of the Commerce Ministry’s Foreign Trade Department, said his office has been warning exporters ...

Associated Press

NIA aims to bridge govt-start-ups divide to create national innovations

The lack of coordination between the government and private sector and the complexity and strictness of the government’s working system, especially the procurement system, are barriers that impede the private sector, particularly start-ups, from creating national innovations, National Innovation Association (NIA) deputy director of corporate ...

The Nation Reporter

More welfare benefits on the way, says Uttama

Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana has announced that holders of state welfare cards can expect more benefits soon.Speaking at an economic seminar in Chiang Mai on Wednesday (October 30), he said the government planned to add accident insurance for the 14.6 million people recipients, as well ...

The Nation Reporter

PrEP pre exposure HIV prevention medicine increases in popularity in Thailand

The Thai Red Cross Society has held a seminar following up on PrEP pre-exposure HIV prevention medicine services in Thailand, where the drugs are offered to persons in risk groups, helping them prevent becoming infected. The medication, which will accumulate within the body, after a ...

Adam Judd

Academics urge govt to boost labour rights protection in response to GSP suspension

Academics say Thailand has not been adequately protecting workers’ rights – both Thai and foreign – and though there is some improvement, existing laws and regulations still limit their rights.Their comments came after the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced last week that President Donald Trump ...

Wichit Chaitrong

TAT enlists Unilever in tackling waste

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and Unilever Thailand have signed a memorandum of understanding to run the Tourism to Recycling Actions for the Schools and Homes (Trash) project, starting in Krabi province.Other parties, including the Pollution Control Department and Krabi municipality, will join the ...

Dusida Worrachaddejchai

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