
'Pattaya Model' boosting marine safety

The Pattaya Marine Office is laying chains of buoys in Pattaya Bay to clearly differentiate areas for water traffic and other activities, to improve marine safety and build tourist confidence.The plan has been dubbed the Pattaya Model for safety at sea. Work began in 2015 ...

Chaiyot Pupattanapong

Seminar hears four key proposals to drive circular economy for sustainability

A seminar in Bangkok highlighted four key measures to promote a circular economy for sustainability by creating a water system to deal with drought, support agriculture to add Bt25 billion value per year, raising waste management to the national agenda and make changes in the ...

The Nation Reporter

Cabinet okays price-guarantee scheme for rice farmers

In response to concerns over the drop in the price of jasmine rice due to export slowdown and limited tourism owing to the Covid-19 crisis, the Cabinet has given the go-ahead to a rice-guarantee scheme for farmers who will harvest their rice crop at the ...

The Nation Reporter

GSP cuts by US will not significantly impact Thai exports [Video]

The Government Spokesperson has given assurance that cuts to the GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) privileges by the United States on certain Thai products will not have a significant impact on exports to the country, with response measures already in place.Keep watching ...

ONWR to expand diversion scheme

The Office of the National Water Resources (ONWR) is looking to construct kaem ling water-catchment areas in Chiang Mai’s Mae Teang district to improve Srinakarin dam’s water diversion project. The move is part of a bid to solve the current drought crisis in the western ...

Prasit Tangprasert

Thailand set to sign RCEP trade deal

Thailand will attend the signing of the long-awaited Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at the 37th Asean Summit under the chairmanship of Vietnam next week.It will be the first-ever virtual signing of an agreement Asean has undertaken, a Foreign Ministry official said on Thursday.Keep reading ...

Thana Boonlert

Value of business investment applications falls 15% this year

The total value of business investment applications fell 15 per cent in the first three quarters of 2020 despite a slight rise in the number of firms applying, the Board of Investment (BOI) said on Wednesday.Foreign and local applications from January-September rose to 1,098, as ...

The Nation Reporter

Thai agricultural GDP almost back at 2019 level as demand rises

Thailand’s third-quarter agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) recovered to drop by only 0.4 per cent year on year, the Office of Agricultural Economics said on Wednesday.The office secretary-general Chantanon Wannakejohn said production of economic crops, such as rice, tapioca, pineapple, palm oil, mangosteen and rambutan ...

The Nation Reporter

NSF aims to provide sustainable pensions for all

The National Savings Fund (NSF) targets a 10-year return of at least 3% for long-term investment in order to provide fund members with sustainable pensions.The voluntary retirement savings fund targets informal workers, and currently holds investments totalling 8 billion baht.Keep reading ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Foreign investment pledges fall 29% y/y Jan-Sept

Foreign investment applications in Thailand amounted to 118.5 billion baht in January-September, down 29% from a year earlier, as investors were deterred by the coronavirus pandemic, an investment agency said on Wednesday.Foreign investors remain interested in the country, despite months of political protests.Keep reading ...

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