

Closing the gender gap in the workplace

Gender in the workplace remains a hot issue in Thailand, not least because the number of senior managerial positions are growing at a snail’s pace. Female workers quickly hit the proverbial glass ceiling which limits opportunities for women to be promoted to higher position and ...

Amendment to abortion law comes into effect

The Government Gazette announced on Saturday an amendment to Criminal Code sections 301 and 305, which would make it possible for women to terminate their pregnancy of up to 12 weeks.The amended law reads:Section 301: A woman who aborts a foetus that is older than ...

The Nation Reporter

Ruling sought on legality of early-stage abortions

Activist Srisuwan Janya on Thursday asked the Office of the Ombudsman to forward a petition seeking a Constitutional Court ruling on whether a bill which would legalise early-stage abortions is constitutional.The Association for the Protection of the Thai Constitution secretary-general handed a petition to Pol ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Thai parliament passes new abortion bill

The Thai parliament on Wednesday (20 January) passed a new bill allowing abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy.But the bill does not decriminalize abortion, as abortion after the 12th week of pregnancy still carries a prison sentence of up to 6 months or ...

Fighting for women’s rights in ASEAN

Prominent women like Singapore’s President Halimah Yacob, Co-Founder of ride-hailing transport services Grab – Tan Hooi Ling and even sports legend, Nicol David have made headlines in the region for their tremendous achievements. A growing number of women today are participating in the male-dominated tech ...

Women are taking digital markets by storm

According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2020 by the World Economic Forum (WEF), it will take another 163 years for East Asia and the Pacific region to reach gender parity at its current rate. This is the longest estimated time compared to any other ...

Jillian Louis

#MeToo not enough in ASEAN

Last week, Hollywood mogul, Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of sexual assault – including rape. At least 80 women had accused him of sexual misconduct stretching back decades including Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Selma Hayek. Reports following the verdict say Weinstein suffered chest pains ...

Jillian Louis

Women 'inferior' in politics

Young women in politics are still looked down upon as being inexperienced, while their ability to perform roles is often questioned, a forum was told on Wednesday.Speaking at a discussion organised by the Thai Journalists Association, deputy government spokeswoman, Rachada Dhnadirek said parliament has appointed ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

On women and their role in Thai politics

When considering the role of women in environmental activism in Thailand, apart from their being energetic leaders, two things come to my mind.In confrontations with the police or military, women in the affected communities often stand at the frontlines. As they are seen as fragile, ...

Forum hears of migrants' plight

Female migrant workers in Thailand are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation and often end up working long arduous hours in the toughest sectors for sub-standard wages, a forum was told on Sunday.Speaking at a forum held by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and ...

Dumrongkiat Mala

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