Social development

Education and training

Myanmar, Thai universities to cooperate in education sector

Universities of Myanmar and Thailand have vowed to cooperate in education sector following a Thai delegation’s recent visit to a Myanmar university in Myeik, Myanmar’s southern Taninthayi region, the official Global New Light of Myanmar reported Sunday.Keep reading ...

Program to develop one model school per sub district

The government is targeting at least one school per sub-district to serve as a model of education development. The plan is part of a push to improve educational quality, access to learning and an end to inequality among children.Keep watching ...

Kobsak: EEC is Thailand’s model economic development approach

Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office Kobsak Pootrakool believes the establishment of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is a model approach for future economic development.Keep watching ...

Move to set up educational institutes that can develop manpower for EEC

Thailand’s higher-education sector is shifting gears towards the future – setting sights on new engines of growth as well as the much-vaunted Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).“We will have to prepare courses that respond to the development of target industries in the EEC,” Office of Higher ...

Chularat Saengpassa

A comparative look at higher education: National capacity building in Thailand

Quality education is the catalyst to advance Thailand’s 4.0 objectives of social-well-being, environmental protection, economic prosperity, and enhanced human values. Despite the commodification of brand name education, we believe a comprehensive and concrete education at home, with educational opportunities across a global network, will do ...

Thammasat confirms Pattaya budget

Thammasat University has finalised the 5-billion-baht budget to develop infrastructure on its Pattaya campus in Chon Buri, supplementing the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) scheme. Keep reading ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

New teacher-education policy ‘will hurt quality’

The ongoing transition of the educational sector into a new and hopeful era risk stumbling after a drastic move by authorities to cut the duration of the teacher-education programme back to four years, many experts warned. “Why will we undo the good changes that have ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Thammasat programme to furnish EEC with workers

Thammasat University is keen on raising undergraduate student quality to prepare graduates for work in the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) scheme. Yesterday (Oct 18) the university signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) to develop many EEC-related fields: innovation, ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Finnish education sector offers invaluable lessons

Thailand hopes to learn and perhaps implement the highly successful educational reform of Finland, where nearly a third of the adult population was uneducated a mere six decades ago.  Today, Finnish education unarguably ranks among the world’s best. Keep reading ...

Chularat Saengpassa

Eductors worry teaching system in thea country ‘breaking down’

Teacher educators are re-examining their role in response to what they see as universities becoming increasingly focused on “money matters” rather than nurturing the best potential teachers.  “We are not in a position to seriously screen new students anymore. Frankly speaking, we recruit every applicant ...

Chularat Saengpassa

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