
U-tapao airport renovation project to get completed by schedule: PMO minister

The renovation project of U-tapao airport will be proceeded and completed according to plan to accommodate the growth of visitors to Thailand, said Prime Minister’s Office Minister Kobsak Pootrakool. He made comments on the U-tapao renovation project in Chonburi during a seminar organized for investors ...

Tanakorn Sangiam

Industry minister points out people's benefits from EEC project

The Ministry of Industry opened a seminar on benefits which the people will have from the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project. Industry Minister Uttama Saowanayon opened the seminar in Rayong on “What Thais will benefit from EEC,” which was attended by government officials, delegates from ...

Tanakorn Sangiam

Initial impact of Thailand 4.0 analysed

A new report from the global research and consultancy firm Oxford Business Group (OBG) shines a spotlight on the Thailand 4.0 initiative and the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), which together have helped foreign investment levels to recover. Keep reading ...

Amata: Chinese EV firms sniff around EEC

SET-listed Amata Corporation Plc, the industrial estate operator, is in talks with Chinese automotive companies that are interested in joining the government’s electric vehicle (EV) scheme in the flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Keep reading ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

Japanese investors keen to join with Chinese on EEC projects, minister says

Japan plans to team up with China to invest in Thailand’s infrastructure projects, targeting the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), said Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith.The move came after the recent signing of a memorandum of understanding on private-sector economic cooperation in third-world countries between China and ...

The Nation Reporter

Land bought under false deeds returned

The Land Department will be asked to revoke land-title deeds for more than 2,700 rai (432 hectares) in Loei’s Phu Rua district after fake or faulty documents had been used to lay ownership claims on the land more than three decades ago.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

Thailand targets to connect Belt and Road Initiative and EEC to boost investment opportunities in ASEAN

Thailand aims to connect China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to accelerate more investment and trade opportunities in Asia, especially ASEAN and ACMECS, Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak told almost 1,000 participants from both China and Thailand at the “Thailand-China Business Forum 2018: Comprehensive ...

Infrastructure hikes land prices

Property Developers are looking for land in four locations next to the planned Bt500-bn infrastructure network of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), say market experts.Asides from the close proximity, these areas come with the convenience of modern living including shopping areas, efficient transportation, hospitality venues, ...

Somluck Srimalee

Developers zero in on economic corridor

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) has become a new destination for property developers in anticipation of the flows of manufacturing investment and workforce into the area, according to a survey by The Nation.Keep reading ...

Somluck Srimalee

Thailand can learn from China's development model:Thai deputy PM

Chinese experiences and investment are one of the most important factors in supporting Thailand’s economic development, Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said here on Friday (Aug 24).Addressing “Thailand-China Business Forum 2018” here in Bangkok, Somkid welcomes more investment from China. He also expressed thanks to ...

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