
NLA accepts draft labor protection bill for deliberation

The National Legislative Assembly has agreed to accept the draft labor protection bill for deliberation. The NLA on Thursday (Sep 20) convened a session, during which members spent time reviewing the proposed draft law on labor protection.Labor Minister Pol. Gen. Adul Saengsingkaew told the assembly that ...

Kitti Cheevasittiyanon

Fishing for new workers

The Labour Ministry’s recent move to recruit additional migrant workers through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) system is a boost for the commercial fishing sector, which has suffered from a labour shortage.Keep reading ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

Labor and migrant rights groups press for legislation on labor

Civil organizations concerned with basic human rights for migrants have called on the government to move forward with its deliberations on the Forced Labor Protection and Eradication Act draft, to ensure greater care for laborers in the future. Keep reading ...

Suwit Rattiwan

Forced labour ‘widespread’

Workers in Thailand remain vulnerable to becoming victims of forced labour, labour rights activists said yesterday, as they urged authorities to pass the Prevention and Eradication of Forced Labour Bill to provide more inclusive protection for their workforce.While migrant workers in fisheries and agricultural sectors ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Labor minister visits Ranong, opens migrant workers processing center

Labor Minister Adul Saengsingkaew visited Ranong to open a new migrant workers processing center and inspect operations at a One-Stop Service center for the work permit extension for workers in fishery sector.Keep reading ...

Tanakorn Sangiam

Trafficking fight yet to take off

Less than twenty years ago, human trafficking was defined by an international treaty, known as the Palermo Protocol, whereby the international community committed to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons. Since then, global attention has been focused on fighting — and eradicating — the ...

Tomoko Nishimoto

More than 800 illegal migrants arrested

More than 800 illegal migrant workers, who failed to apply for a work permit by June 30, have been arrested.At a meeting on the suppression of illegal migration, Labor Minister Pol Gen Adul Saengsingkeaw was informed that among 30,000 migrant workers inspected, 800 of them ...

23 human traffickers arrested in Thailand crackdown

Twenty-three human trafficking “agents” were arrested during a major operation conducted by the Thai police to prevent southern Thailand from becoming a transit destination for migrants trying to cross illegally into Malaysia.Keep reading ...

Business can join trafficking fight

The recent upgrading of Thailand’s status to Tier 2 of the US Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) is a positive development that will be welcome by many. While Thailand has yet to fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, the report recognises ...

Dana Graber Ladek

Workers without papers face action

Authorities have started a crackdown on undocumented migrant workers nationwide after the deadline for proper registration ended over the weekend, with more than a third of a million workers from neighbouring countries having obtained their required permits in the latest round of registration.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

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