Japanese waiting on EEC calendar

Japanese investment in Thailand is expected to become more vibrant after the timeline of the government’s much-touted Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is clarified, says Kalin Sarasin, chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce. Keep reading ...

Phusadee Arunmas

BOI finding new incentives to attract foreign investments

The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) will come up with new incentives to draw foreign investments into the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and other areas of the country.Keep seeing ...

BoI's 6-point approach to Japan

The Board of Investment (BoI) has been instructed to rev up efforts to attract Japanese investment, with a focus on six categories: automobiles; robotics; machinery; medical devices; food, agriculture and biotechnology; and aerospace. Keep reading ...

Chatrudee Theparat

Ageing society spells promise for investors in retirement housing

Private investment in retirement homes is on the rise in Thailand, with Thonburi Healthcare Group among those companies eyeing the market potential amid an ageing society.Keep reading ...

Wichit Chaitrong

Second-generation Chinese aim to impress in Thailand

Spurred by Thailand’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) initiative and growing economy, second-generation entrepreneurs from China are keen to invest in Thailand despite concerns about state policy consistency. Keep reading ...

Thai ambitions target Myanmar

Myanmar’s new foreign direct investment act is expected to attract more Thai investment in the neighbouring country, says the head of the Thai Business Association of Myanmar. Keep reading ...

Suchat Sritama

A moment of opportunity for Thailand’s industrial sector

The world is changing, and business in Thailand must understand the drivers of this change.This is why, as I enter my third decade in Thailand’s industrial sector, I believe it is more vital than ever for every business to observe international megatrends – changes which ...

How Thailand became the 'Detroit of Asia'

Thailand has been a stronghold for automobile manufacturing for decades. It nicknamed itself “the Detroit of Asia,” and the moniker stuck, with good reason. It’s currently the 12th most industrious auto manufacturer in the world, and the largest in Southeast Asia.Keep reading ...

Talib Visram

Somkid calls for rise in EEC investments from S Korea

Thailand has called for South Korea investors to increase their investments in Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor and other areas, while indicating its readiness to serve as a gateway for South Korea businesses in this region.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

EEC applications beat full-year target

Investment applications for the government’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) scheme have reached 400 billion baht, beating its target of 300 billion for the year, says the EEC Office. Keep reading ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran

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