Outcry at refusal to ban toxic chemicals

Consumer groups have vowed to ramp up their campaign to force the national committee on hazardous substances to ban three hazardous farm chemicals immediately, not in another two years. Comprising 686 civic groups, they have come together under the banner of the Thai Pesticides Alert ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

REPORT: Pursuing holistic water management solutions

Deputy Prime Minister General Chatchai Salikulya would not say directly if the plan to build the controversial Mae Wong dam in order to prevent floods and save the drought-plagued Lower Sakae Krang basin would be scrapped, but he affirmed that concerned parties had at least ...

Piyaporn Wongruang

Dangerous farm chemicals still allowed for at least two years

Paraquat, glyphosate and chlorpyrifos are still allowed for use in Thailand for at least another two years, after the Hazardous Substance Committee yesterday reaffirmed its previous decision not to ban the three controversial agrochemicals.Their decision came despite the insistence of the Public Health Ministry, Office ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

New law will restrict traditional ways: farmers

Farmers are getting increasingly worried about the Rice Bill, which drafters claim would improve their lives, but is now causing huge controversy. Researchers and senior government officials have now joined farmers’ calls for the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) to address their concerns and avoid triggering ...

The Nation Reporter

Committee urged to delay agrochemical bans: leak

The Hazardous Substance Committee may fail to reach a decision on whether to ban paraquat, glyphosate and chlorpyrifos, said Apichin Jotikashira, Industry Ministry Deputy Permanent Secretary.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

Poisoning the land

The resignation of respected Chulalongkorn Hospital doctor Thiravat Hemachudha, together with two academics, from a panel tasked with toxic farm chemical control has revealed a malady in the country’s fight against paraquat and two other hazardous chemicals, namely glyphosate and chlorpyrifos. Keep reading ...

The miracle method for sustainable rice – and bigger harvests

The fragrant jasmine rice growing on the left side of Kreaougkra Junpeng’s five-acre field stands nearly five feet tall.Each plant has 15 or more tillers, or stalks, and the grains hang heavy from them. The Thai farmer says this will be his best-ever harvest in ...

Dams still best way to manage water resources: govt agencies

Thailand clearly has faith in its traditional water-management system to cope with extreme weather brought on by climate change.  However, environmentalists warn that instead of relieving the negative effects of climate change, dams and large-irrigation projects only cause further damage, as dams only intensify the ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Govt to create data centre to help farm supply match demand

The Office of Agricultural Economics (OAE) will work with other government agencies to develop a data analytics system as part of the government’s effort to upgrade the management of Thailand’s farm sector.According to Chantanont Wankejorn, deputy chief of OAE, more than 30 agencies will be ...

The Nation Reporter

Industrial rubber masterplan being proposed for Rayong

The Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) has mapped out a masterplan to increase annual rubber exports from Bt250 billion to Bt800 billion, while establishing a rubber industrial estate in Rayong province, part of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

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