Family, children and youth

Family, children, and youth policy and administration

Thailand must do more to protect, invest in children: UN

The government should see children’s rights protection as an investment and listen to children’s voices, said Najat Maalla M’jid, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children. In an interview with the Bangkok Post, she said although the Thai government had a strong ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Abuse against women still prevalent

In December 1999, the United Nations designated Nov 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to commemorate the murder of the Mirabal sisters, the three Dominican political activists who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in 1960. Today marks the ...

Time to give child protection a boost

In the first half of this year, there were numerous reports of violence against children. Many of these cases share a similar pattern — those responsible for the violence are people close to the child. According to statistics from the 1300 hotline, from October 2018 ...

Abuse on rise amid outbreak

Domestic violence has almost doubled since the onset of Covid-19, according to the Social Development and Human Security Ministry.The number of violent incidents stemming from domestic conflicts from the start of February to the end of last month came to 474, said Patcharee Arayakul, deputy ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

Covid-19 crisis triggering ‘increased domestic violence'

Measures to keep people at home are important to help contain the Covid-19 outbreak, but it has resulted in a spike in domestic violence, said Jaded Chaowilai, director of the Women’s and Men’s Progressive Movement.Data from the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development (DWF) ...

The Nation Reporter

Interactive website teaches youth how to stay safe online

Does your child know how to keep their personal data safe, or recognise trolling? To keep children safe online, Total Access Communication (DTAC) in partnership with Telenor Group and Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), is launching a new interactive website,, to be used by ...

The Nation Reporter

Law change 'condones' abuse

Women’s rights activists on Monday lambasted the proposed amendment to the 2007 law promoting the development and protection of families, saying the changes actually condone, rather than curb, domestic violence.Keep reading ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Govt sets January launch for child, birth benefit plan

The government expects to introduce in January next year the manda pracharath, a new welfare package targeting pregnant women and mothers of small children who are low-income earners.The benefits, which includes financial help for pregnant women and allowances for mothers with children up to six ...

Mongkol Bangprapa

MSDHS to open registration for new newborn allowance applicants

The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) is set to open registration next month for the campaign providing 600-baht monthly stipends to families raising newborns until they reach six years of age.Keep watching ...

Domestic violence reports soar in 2019

Just over two weeks after the new year began, reports of domestic violence doubled from the rate of the same period last year. However, rights advocates say agencies in charge of handling the problem are slow to react and tend to view it as merely ...

Penchan Charoensuthipan

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