
BoI's 6-point approach to Japan

The Board of Investment (BoI) has been instructed to rev up efforts to attract Japanese investment, with a focus on six categories: automobiles; robotics; machinery; medical devices; food, agriculture and biotechnology; and aerospace. Keep reading ...

Chatrudee Theparat

Defence footprint grows in corridor

The government’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) scheme has long been promoted as a vehicle to upgrade the country’s industrial sector using technology. Along with the 10 industries targeted for development in the corridor, defence was added last November, with the aim of improving the ...

Lamonphet Apisitniran & Yuthana Praiwan

Thailand 'must overhaul education' to achieve high-tech ambitions

Thailand must overhaul the education system, which will take up to 20 years, before the country can harvest the full benefits of its Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) investment zone, according to John D. Kasarda, chief adviser to the EEC’s “aerotropolis” project.Keep reading ...

Apornrath Phoonphongphiphat

Second-generation Chinese aim to impress in Thailand

Spurred by Thailand’s flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) initiative and growing economy, second-generation entrepreneurs from China are keen to invest in Thailand despite concerns about state policy consistency. Keep reading ...

Thailand’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Society to develop a national digital community for startups and entrepreneurs

Thailand Cyberport aims to be a national innovative community for multiple sectors and a centre for the startup ecosystem in the region, attracting venture capital firms and global enterprises. It will help incubate startups at all levels seeking angel funds, skills management coaching and venture ...

Teresa Umali

Thailand, Japan join hands on EECi set-up

Thailand and Mie prefecture, in the Kansai region of Japan’s main Honshu island, have agreed to jointly establish the Mie-Thai agro-industrial cooperation centre at the Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) in Rayong. Keep reading ...

Chatrudee Theparat

Chachoengsao to get new inland container depot

A new inland container depot (ICD) for shipping-based cargo is set to be constructed in Chachoengsao to support Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)-backed logistics development plans, Transport Ministry officials have revealed.Keep reading ...

BOI-Conditions eased for SMEs to Promote Usage of Technology

The government has launched measures to boost Thailand’s economic growth through the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor or EEC. These measures will undoubtedly lead to major investments in infrastructure and utility projects.It’s a misconception that the EEC development project targets foremost foreign or large ...

5G test base facilities set for Digital Park

The government plans to set up test base facilities for 5G wireless broadband at the Digital Park in Chon Buri province this year. The facilities will also serve as sites for the adoption of innovative technologies, with the goal of infrastructure-sharing and investment cost reduction. ...

Komsan Tortermvasana

Somkid calls for rise in EEC investments from S Korea

Thailand has called for South Korea investors to increase their investments in Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor and other areas, while indicating its readiness to serve as a gateway for South Korea businesses in this region.Keep reading ...

The Nation Reporter

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