
TCBC Celebrated 70 Years of Thailand-Cambodia Diplomatic Relations

To Focus on Commercial Strength and Bilateral Investment for the Growth of CLMV EconomyMr. Chanitr Charnchainarong, Chairman of Thailand-Cambodia Business Council (TCBC) revealed that TCBC in collaboration with The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking (JSCCIB), and The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) ...

Investment misses public target levels

A meagre 25 billion baht in investment budget was doled out in the first three months of fiscal 2020, as the months-delayed 3.2-trillion-baht budget bill has yet to be enforced, says a source at the Finance Ministry who requested anonymity.The disbursed budget accounted for 4.4% ...

Wichit Chantanusornsiri

Govt 'has contingency plan' for Budget Bill ruling

The government has a contingency plan worked out to mitigate any legal or technical impacts from the Constitutional Court’s ruling on Friday on the validity of the Budget Bill, says Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam.Mr Wissanu admitted he has been kept in suspense waiting for ...

Bangkok Post Reporte

Mekong action results in huge haul of drugs

More than 32 million methamphetamine pills have been seized thanks to a two-month-long coordinated anti-drug campaign by countries in the Mekong Delta, says the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB).The joint campaign was implemented in Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia since December, and ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Cambodian-Thai trade hits $9B, goal at $15B for 2020

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and Thailand was worth some $9 billion last year, up 7.14 per cent from 2018’s $8.4 billion, data from the Royal Thai embassy in Phnom Penh shows.Thailand and Cambodia have maintained excellent relations, as reflected by regular high-level visits and meetings, ...

Thou Vireak

Thailand ranks 101 in global corruption index

Thailand’s score in Transparency International’s 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index stands at 36 out of 100 for a second year, though its ranking has dropped from 99 to 101. The country shares the ranking with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Panama, and Peru. Its corruption score rose ...

Bangkok Post Reporter

Thailand’s grand welfare experiment

Thailand’s new flagship welfare policy has been lauded, but unless it is combined with changes that address structural issues in the Thai economy, it may be destined for failure, Wannaphong Durongkaveroj writes.It has been two years since the Thai government has implemented its huge and ...

Wannaphong Durongkaveroj

A Gloomy Outlook for Thailand in 2020

Thailand’s 2019 was a big year, dominated by the March election and its fallout as well as its chairmanship of ASEAN. But 2020 is shaping up to be even larger, with no signs of the drought affecting much of the country ending and the Mekong ...

Erin Cook

Village Funds to get B99bn

As much as 99 billion baht is set to be channelled to Village Funds this year, as the government wants to beef up the local economy.The figures include 14 billion baht for projects and the 75 billion baht in debt suspension for members of the ...

Chatrudee Teeparat

Fate of govt hangs on economy

A razor-thin majority in the House will no longer be a concern for the government this year, though challenges including persistent economic problems will put its abilities to the test, academics said.The coalition government led by the Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) has secured two more ...

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