Thai PBS

Thailand to start human trials of anti-COVID-19 vaccine in October

Thailand will conduct the first human trials of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate in October this year, after trials on monkeys produced satisfactory results, with high level of immunity being detected in the animals, according to Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovations Minister Suwit Mesinsee in ...

CCSA to consider opening Thailand’s borders to limited entry by foreign visitors

Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) is to consider opening the country’s borders to allow a limited number of foreigners to enter the country under the proposed travel bubble tourism program.CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin said on Monday that the CCSA will divide foreign ...

The future of Thai tourism post COVID-19 [Video]

In 2019, nearly 40 million tourists visited Thailand. This year, however, it is forecast that number will fall by more than 10 million. On what should the Thai tourism sector focus after the COVID-19 outbreak? Will travellers come back in the near future? Let’s find ...

COVID-19 causes about one trillion baht in damage to Thai economy

The overall damage Thailand’s national economy, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, is currently estimated at about one trillion baht, while business confidence for the first quarter of this year has dropped to 47.2, which is the lowest in almost two years, according to the forecast ...

CCSA to propose extension of state of emergency and curfew until end of May

The CCSA, chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, has decided to extend the current state of emergency, due to expire on April 30th, until the end of May and to retain the associated measures, including the night curfew, the ban on incoming foreign travellers, restrictions ...

Report says Thailand’s suicide rate increasing during coronavirus pandemic

Driven to desperation by the unprecedented economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Thais taking their own lives to escape their hardship has increased, according to a research paper commissioned by the Office of the Committee for the Promotion of Science, Research and ...

3 COVID-19 related economic support executive decrees now in effect

An Executive Decree, which empowers the Thai government to secure loans of up to 1.9 trillion baht to help cushion the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and the people, has come into force following its publication in the Royal Gazette on Sunday.According ...

TDRI predicts coronavirus may push Thailand’s poor 18.9 million

A researcher at Thailand’s economic think-tank, the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), has predicted that the number of poor people in Thailand might grow three-fold to about 18.9 million if the COVID-19 pandemic drags on for another six to twelve months.Isranews Agency reports that Mr. ...

PM Prayut urges ASEAN’s joint efforts to fight Covid-19

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha this morning called on ASEAN countries to mobilize the energies and efforts of all sectors to jointly fight the novel coronavirus which is ravaging more than half of the countries in the world.He proposed that ASEAN and its three major dialogue ...

Thai government warned 10 million may lose their jobs in next three months

As many as ten million workers in Thailand may lose their jobs in the next three months, if the COVID-19 pandemic drags on and if the Government does not provide timely support for businesses, according to Mr. Supant Mongkolsuthee, president of the Federation of Thai ...

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